$499.00 USD

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Fertility Foundations

Ready to ditch the overwhelm and fast track your journey to motherhood?

What you'll get:

  • Step-by-step guidance and strategies to optimize your fertility and get pregnant NOW.
  • The exact content and resources used to transform the health of NMD Wellness of Scottsdale's private, 1:1 fertility patients.
  • Tools, resources, favorite products, supplements, testing recommendations and exclusive discounts. 

No more "just watch and wait". You're time is NOW.

What People Are Saying:

I learned more about my health in the first 20 minute of Dr. Zen's course than I did all YEAR with my OB. 5-10 minute appointments aren't enough and Fertility Foundations really helped me understand my body. Her integrative approach is like nothing I have ever seen.

Jennifer R.

Honestly, I would have spent any amount of money to have the baby I have always dreamt about but, it was important to me to do it in a way that made sense to me and my body. Dr. Zen's Fertility Foundations reflected the exact way I wanted to go about my journey. Her sweet and knowledgeable voice was inspiring and empowering.

Rachel B.

Before Fertility Foundations, I was googling everything, reading all the blogs and feeling lost and overwhelmed. Since taking Fertility Foundations, I finally feel like I know what to do and can actually be a part of the conversation when talking to my doctor about my health and fertility. Dr. Zen made it easy and digestible.

Tara B.

Fertility Foundations helped me avoid spending THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on IVF! The investment was 100% worth it! I now recommend it to all my girlfriends.

Caroline D.